Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Perfusion MRI

Perfusion MRI
Perfusion is a fundamental biological function that refers to the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissue by means of blood flow.
Perfusion normally refers to the delivery of blood at the level of capillaries and measures in ml/100gm/min.
Perfusion is closely related to delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to the tissue.

Two main perfusion MRI approaches have been developed:
A. Those using exogenous contrast agent
B. Those without using contrast agent
The first group of technique include Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC-MRI) and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE-MRI).
The second group relates to Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL).

DSC-MRI Principle
DSC-MRI is one of  the exogenous contrast based method and relies on IV injection of paramagnetic contrast agent, Gd-DTPA.
This technique utilizes very rapid imaging to capture the first pass of contrast agent, k/a Bolus Tracking MRI.
After the bolus of contrast agent is injected, hemodynamic signals of DSC-MRI depends on T2 or T2* relaxation time and transiently decrease because of increasing susceptibility effect.
DSC-MRI is based on susceptibility changes after injecting contrast agent.
The contrast agent is a paramagnetic material, which distorts the magnetic field and reduces T2 around the vessel because of an increased susceptibility effect.
Two compartments must be considered: intravascular (IV) and extravascular(EV).
When the tracer remains IV, the compartmentalization of contrast agent creates strong, microscopic susceptibility gradients which extend beyond the vessel size.
The contrast agent modifies the blood T2/T2* relaxation rates (R2/R2*).
The changes of T2/T2* (∆R2*) is the subtraction of R2* b/w post and pre-contrast injection.

DSC-MRI Parameter
Here, a bolus of Gd-based contrast agent administered as a short venous injection of 10-15 sec, by the time it reaches the ROI (brain), creating a signal dip of about 10-20 sec or longer.
To faithfully record the tracer conc during this passage, images must be acquired at a rate much faster than the time it takes the bolus to pass through the tissue (i.e. MTT), which is usually of order of several sec.
Adequate coverage (whole brain) with T2*WI at a time resolution TR<2sec needs rapid imaging seq like EPI.
TE is chosen long enough to produce sufficient CNR due to susceptibility effects, but not long enough to dephase all signal during the max contrast agent conc.
A relatively large FA is used, although not long enough to introduce unwanted T1 contamination.

DSC-MRI Signal Dynamics
Serial images are acquired before, during and after injecting the contrast agent.
While passing through the microvasculature, a bolus of contrast agent produces decrease in SI.
The time course images can be divided into 3 stages: the baseline, the first passage of bolus and the recirculation period.

This is the other exogenous contrast based method.
After the bolus of contrast agent is injected, hemodynamic signal of DCE-MRI depend on T1 relaxation time, and increase because of T1 shortening effect associated with paramagnetic contrast agent.
DCE-MRI uses rapid and repeated T1W images to measure the change in signal induced by paramagnetic tracer in the tissue with change in time.
In this method, contrast agent is also IV injected to generate bolus.
Shortening of T1 relaxation rate caused by contrast agent is the mechanism of tissue enhancement (so called T1 or relaxivity based method).
This is usually scanned with T1W in 2D or 3D.
GE methods (FLASH) T1W high resolution isotropic volume acquisition are used.
For quantitative DCE, a pre-contrast T1 value for each voxel is often performed.
These values are used to calculate the post injection T1 values for each voxel.

DCE-MRI Parameter
DCE-MRI is scanned with very short TR and TE to generate T1W images.
FA is also small due to short TR.
With current MRI technique, the volume scan time is usually b/w 5-10sec.
For breast and large FOV, it may extend upto 20sec.
So, it may require compromise in terms of spatial resolution, temporal resolution and coverage.

DCE-MRI Signal Dynamics
The time of enhancement is related to the changes, which depend on the physiological parameters of microvasculature in the lesion and on the volume fractions of the various tissue compartments.
For a bolus inj, there is always an initial rise in its conc in the plasma and possibly some leakage into the interstitium for the duration of the inj.
Afterwards, the plasma conc continuously decreases because of diffusion into the body and clearance through the kidneys to the urine.
The dynamic acquisition pattern is similar to that of DSC-MRI.
Images are acquired before, during and after injection of contrast agent.
Most benign and malignant lesions show signal enhancement in first few min after bolus administration.
The normal tissue may also show enhancement.
ASL gives absolute values of perfusion of tissue by blood.
This technique utilizes arterial water as an endogenous diffusible tracer which is usually achieved by magnetically labeling incoming blood.
ASL is completely non-invasive, using no injection of contrast agent or ionizing radiation and is repeatable for studying normal or abnormal physiology and its variation with time.
ASL required the subtraction of two images, one in which the incoming blood has been magnetically labeled (k/a label or tag image) and the other in which no labeling has occurred (k/a control or reference image).
The signal diff is the ASL signal and which removes the static tissue signal.
ASL signal is approx <1% which makes SNR.

Types of labeling methods
Continuous ASL (PASL)
Pulsed ASL (PASL)
Velocity Selective ASL (VSASL)
Vascular Territory Imaging (VTI)

In CASL, the magnetization of the arterial blood flowing through a major artery is continously labeled (usually by inversion) using RF pulses.
It is based on steady state approach.
A continous RF field is applied for a few sec along with a field gradient.

PASL involves a relatively short RF pulse, which results in labeling (usually inversion) of the blood in a large region adj to the imaging volume.
1. Signal alternating with alternating radio frequency (STAR)
2. Flow alternating inversion recovery (FAIR)
3. Proximal inversion with control for off-resonance effects (PICORE)
4. Transfer insensitive labeling technique (TILT)

VSASL does not label the blood based on its spatial location (as in CASL and PASL) but rather does so based on its velocity, e.g. using binomial pulses to selectively  label blood flowing below a certain velocity.
This labeling is not spatially selective, but can be made sensitive to different blood velocities.

ASL Parameter
ASL contrast is related to the preparation module (blood labeling), but does not rely on T2/T2*/T1 contrast of the acquisition module.
Short TE to maximize SNR
Long TR to allow the labeling blood to reach an imaging plane.
Large FA is used.
Long scan duration due to NSA around 40.

ASL Signal Dynamics
In routine PASL and CASL, the signal at a single TI or post labeling delay of 1.5-1.8 sec is often used.
Two labeling times (Quantitative Imaging of Perfusion using a Single Subtraction- QUIPSS I/II) are used to minimize the definition error of bolus width.
The ASL signal curve also shows 3 phases.

DSC-MRI is good for quick measurement of transit time, whole brain coverage and fast scan time.
DCE-MRI is good for measurement of BV, perfusion permeability and capillary permeability and for reducing image artifacts.
ASL is good for BF measurement, repeatable studies and provide unique opportunity to provide CBF information without inj of contrast agent.
However, bolus methods with inj of contrast agent provide better sensitivity with higher spatial resolution.

Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Comprehensive Update on Principles and Techniques, Korean Journal of Radiology, July 2014.
Perfusion MRI: Technical Aspects, 2009 Lecture.
Perfusion Imaging by Monil Shah.
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI by Sungheon Gene Kim, PhD, NYUSOM/Radiology/CBI.
MR Perfusion Imaging Techniques and Applications, Chen Lin, PhD, Indiana University School of Medicine & Clarian Health Partners.
ASL Basics I, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
Alternatives to BOLD for fMRI, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology.
Perfusion MRI: The Five Most Frequently Asked Technical Questions, AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2013.
Contrast-Enhanced MR Perfusion Imaging, University of Wisconsin, Madison, RSNA Chicago, 2008.
Advanced MRI Techniques (and Applications), University of California, Los Angeles, January 2012.
Noncontrast Perfusion MR Imaging with Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) of cerebrovascular disease, European Society of Radiology, 2011.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Perfusion, D. Le  Bihan, 1990.

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